Joint Food

If you’re worried you might have too much fat in your diet, remember there are some good fats.  Scientific testing has shown omega 3 fatty acids actually reduce inflammation in joints.  Effective reduction in joint inflammation can result from eating foods like salmon, mackerel and trout.  Flaxseed and olive oil can also be added to that list.

Diets that include foods with a high boron content, a compound in fresh fruits and vegetables, can decrease the rate of arthritis development.  Stock up on fresh produce!

Where dietary supplements are concerned, the most popular glucosamine chondroiton have proven to contribute greatly in damaged tissue reparation, improvements of  joint mobility and function as well as slowing down joint degeneration.

It should be noted though that eating all these in a well balanced diet while maintaining consistent physical activity and exercise is by far the most effective way to maintain excellent joint health.

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Recuperate Naturally!

Here’s an interesting little tidbit: Did you know that the term muscle relaxant refers to two major therapeutic groups in medicine?  First of all a muscle relaxant is considered a drug that affects skeletal muscle function and decreases muscle tone.  The two groups of relaxers are neuromuscular blockers and spasmolytics.

You’d only want a neuromusclar blocker if you were heading for surgery and/or intensive care where you’d need major anesthetics.  Spasmolytics is the group that’s used for more centralized pain and spasms.  But what if you pull a muscle while being physically active or working out?  Do you really need to put yourself on drugs for it?  My answer is no.

Unless you’ve done severe damage to your body, which is unlikely during an exercise program, you’re far better off finding natural muscle relaxers that will ease the aches and pains while the muscle pull heals and regains strength.  Something that is herbal based and organic can be a very effective pain reliever that allows you to rest and recuperate naturally!

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Guarana Preferance!

A word to the wise, it’s long ago been determined that supplements containing ephedra can be risky in terms of cardiovascular health.  So the smart thing to do is to find an organic supplement that is ephedra free.  The most common use for such supplements is, of course, for an energy boost during weight loss.  And, yes, it did prove to be somewhat effective, but again with ephedra, risky.

The ancient Amazonian actually had an energy drink made from the seed of the guarana plant.  It’s ephedra free yet boosts energy like crazy.  But the really crazy thing about it is that while it contains almost twice the natural caffeine as the coffee bean, it somehow is more easily absorbed, without the “jitters”!  I have never been able to tolerate coffee without the nervous, hyper reaction that often accompanies it.  Yet, I use guarana on a daily basis.  You may want to give guarana tea or guarana energy pills a try, it sure works for me!

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Active And Hydrated!

Of course by now everyone knows that all kinds of benefits come from staying physically active.  And for those of you who cringe at the thought, even a little walk helps keep the heart pumping and is great for all metabolic functions.  Physical activity is actually part of the renewal cycle of life.  When physically active, we’re sloughing off old skin, maintaining healthy blood pressure and strengthening muscles as well as organic functions.

With renewal comes a certain amount of waste, of course.  And with the process of elimination, replenishment becomes a necessity.  When physical exertion is involved,  sure sure to drink plenty of water to maintain healthy body hydration and use a good sports energy drink for electrolyte replenishment.  This will help support the high energy level needed to be physically active and will make certain we don’t suffer damage from dehydration.  It’s truly as important to stay hydrated as it is to stay physically active!

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Celebrating Early?

It’s a little early to be celebrating Halloween!  This little guy is going to have to hold this position for a long time!  We better make sure he’s not just eating Halloween candy!

There is a great substitute.  There’s a wonderful multivite complex that comes in entertaining sports shapes that the kids just love.  They actually think of candy treats when they chew their multivites and get their full daily required vitamins. So you know they’re going to go all day because they keep coming back for some more!  And you don’t need to be celebrating Halloween to take them!

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