Mommy’s Kids!

As we head toward Mother’s Day, not only do I reflect on the love of my mother, but on my childhood with her as well. I was very lucky to have parents, especially mom, who were very attentive to the nutritional needs of the family.  And, oh boy, what a great cook!

While I’m thinking about all this, I’m remembering how particular mom was about making sure I got healthy food in a balanced diet to make sure I got the complete required nutrients each and every day.  I understand she even had liquid vitamins, dispensed from a dropper, that she’d add to my juice drinks when I was a toddler!  How thorough was that?!  Well, I’m happy to say I’ve found some supper liquid vitamins, like the one’s mom used, to make sure the little one’s in my life get their daily requirments for great health!

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Painless Protein!

Almost all whole foods contain protein.  Foods containing protein with adequate proportions of all nine essential amino acids necessary for our dietary needs for sustenance are considered complete proteins.  The nine essential amino acids necessary for human life are leucine, isoleucine, valine, threonine, methionine, tryptophan,  phenylalanine, histidine and lysine.  These essential amino acids are not synthecized naturally by the body and must be gained through the food we eat.

Proteins come from numerous food sources like meat, fowl and fish.  They also come from soy and whey protein like one might find in protein shakes and powder mixes.  All people need protein, yet many people experience digestive challenges such as bloating or gas after partaking in meals with high protein amounts.  For this, most people have discovered aminogen which aids in the digestive breakdown of protein into the amino acids we need.  With aminogen, your protein digestion will actually be painless nutrition!

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Burn Fat Naturally!

Maintaining a high energy level and a strong metabolic rate can be very helpful in weight loss.  First of all, an active metabolism will lead to staying physically active which is great for trimming down.  At the same time, to maintain a high energy level, we have to take in fuel for energy by way of the food we eat.  If we’re looking to lose weight, the trick becomes to make good choices about what we eat because we need high energy food without overloading on calories.

This is why millions of people choose to use energy enhancing supplements for their diets.  However, to me the best choice here is to go natural.  For instance, an herbal dietary supplement like Total Control is formulated to boost metabolism for maintaining a high energy level with ingredients that promote the breaking down of fat cells.  There’s a great advantage to using dietary supplements like these because they are completely natural and organic without including ephedra or similar drugs and medicines.  Check out Herbalife Total Control to maintain good energy and burn fat naturally!

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Muscle Protein

Since protein is the most prevalent substance, next to water, found in our human bodies, it’s obvious that we must have protein in our diet simply to sustain life itself.  And, since protein is particularly found in muscle tissue, it’s clear that protein is a good thing to focus on if you’re looking to build muscle and/or strength.

According to many trainers and workout specialists, the best supplemental protein for developing muscle strength and smooth muscle tissue can be found in whey protein.  There are some excellent mixes for protein shakes available. But the best whey protein powder mix should definitely include protomyosin in its blend because that provides the highest support for protein digestibility which will increase energy and enhance performance.  Add some good muscle protein to your program and build your stamina and strength today!

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How About Super Supplements?

We’ve recently mentioned the term, “superfoods”, and it’s important to note that these particular food items have gained a lot of attention in the nutrition world lately.  And for good reason.  The food value of these items such as blueberries, avocados, pumpkins, artichokes and fava beans, to mention a few, are truly power packed with vitamins, antioxidants and natural botanical nutrients.  No wonder they are getting such attention!

Obviously, I’m a great fan of superfoods.  After all, if you’re a fan of health, you’re a fan of superfoods.  But, let’s be a little more realistic shall we?  These foods are not a new discovery!  They are older, and have been well known far longer than most of us have lived!  It’s just that they are great, healthy nourishment!  And, while they are very good for us to eat, sometimes due to the season of the year or the amount of time we have to prepare them, these foods might not be all that readily available.

So, I started looking into how one gets the same kind of nutrition that’s contained in these superfoods, but can get it on a daily basis.  That’s what led my team and I to our diet herbalife program.  This cellular nutrition program is a superfood to me because it delivers optimal nutrition full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and botanical nutrients to each and every cell of the body everyday!  So, couldn’t herbalife supplements be considered super supplements?!

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