Liver Strength!

Containing all five flavors: sour, sweet, salty, bitter and spicy, the Schisandra Chinensis is often referred to as literally the “northern five flavor berry”.  Many years ago it was discovered to contain restorative properties and became one of the fifty fundamental herbs in traditional Chinese medicine.

These tonic providing berries are most often dried, then boiled to make tea.  This Schizandra tea was long ago found to have notable, clinically documented,  liver protecting effects.  The lignans, which are immuno-modulating and liver protecting and are found in the seeds of Schizandra, are identified as schizandrin, deoxyschizandrin, gomisins and pregomisin.  This is a powerful, liver protecting herb that actually should not be taken by a pregnant woman!

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Nourish Your Body With Krill Oil

Krill is a shrimp-like crustacean from which krill oil is derived. In recent years it has been discovered that krill oil is an excellent source of nourishment for the human body. Krill oil is rich in antioxidants which give a boost to your immune system. The antioxidant astaxanathin found in krill is excellent for protecting the health of brain, eye, and nervous system.

Krill oil is also a source of vitamins A, D, and E. It is thought that krill oil protects and nurtures the health of a fetus, so pregnant women often add krill oil as a supplement to their diet.  Containing omega 3 supplemental benefits, krill oil also helps with skin ailments like eczema and acne. If you are not allergic to seafood, then you should consider adding krill oil supplements to your daily diet.  You can only benefit!

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Amazing Omega 3

By now you’ve probably heard about omega 3 and that it mainly comes from fish or krill.  But do you really know what makes omega 3 supplements so amazing? The reason omega 3 supplements have become so popular over the last few years is because studies have shown that it has incredible health benefits. For instance, omega 3 reduces your risk of cancer. The omega 3 fatty acids reduce the growth of breast, colon, and prostate cancer.

Other omega 3 benefits include making you feel better and improving your skin. The omega 3 fatty acid stabilizes the nerve cells in your brain which control mood swings. For this reason, omega 3 supplements can be used as a natural way to treat depression. Omega 3 can also regulate oils in your skin, thus reducing acne and increasing hydration, which in turn helps with wrinkle prevention.   Which Omega 3 benefit will fill a need for you?!

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A Heart Gift!

There are numerous benefits for the cardiovascular system when the natural production of nitric oxide in the body is fortified.  It is known that when the body is at rest, as in slumber during the night, nitric oxide production levels are at there lowest. It’s therefore beneficial to maintain a good level of nitric oxide production during the sleeping hours.

Herbalife has produced, with the help and guidance of Nobel laureate, Dr. Lou Ignarro, a drink mix called Herbalife Niteworks which specifically promotes natural production of nitric oxide in the body.  Dr. Ignarro designed Niteworks for the purpose of aiding cardiovascular health and the prevention of heart disease.  Try Niteworks and give your heart a gift!

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Multiple Heart Support Paths!

Even though physical activity is highly recommended for cardiovascular health, there are numerous other things that can be done for good heart health as well.  There are times, especially as we progress in age, when focusing on various aspects of cardiovascular care can be most advantageous.

For instance, herbal dietary supplements that help with natural bodily production of nitric oxide can  greatly support elasticity and suppleness of the arteries and vessels of the cardiovascular system which in turn will increase circulation of blood flow to the heart.  This sort of circulation booster together with simple items like natural garlic can be of great benefit to your blood pressure and cholesterol level maintenance.  So, when thinking about your heart health, go for multiple support paths and stay strong!

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