Show Your Newest!

By now we all know that the newest skin cells are growing just under and emerging to the surface layer of the skin.  So it stands to reason that if you want the newest skin cells to be showing, then it’s very effective to help the natural process of sloughing off the old cells.

This exfoliation takes place naturally, but it’s helped greatly by doing a routine exfoliation program.  The body buffing scrub herbalife produces uses jojoba beads to help massage the skin and remove dead cells.  It’s the first part of a two step process, followed by using the body contouring cream, to present your newest, youngest skin!


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Growing Younger!

Well the word’s out!  Many of our associates have been using a new collagen building skin care product line to smooth fine lines and wrinkles.  The testimonies from all these people are unanimous!  Their skin looks more vibrant and youthful not only to themselves, but to everyone who sees them!

The product line I’m referring to, of course, is the herbalife skin activator formulas for anti aging skincare!  And, guess what?!  These good folks’ experience is absolutely proven.  Tests have shown a 40% per cent increase in skin smoothness after just one month, and a 57% improvement in fine lines and wrinkles in just three!  Activate your skin now and get it growing younger!

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Keep Your Brilliant Shine!

Interestingly, yet not surprising at all, when we talk about “herbalife beauty”, we’re usually taking about a great zealousness for life that shows through an individuals vital energy as well as their glowing, healthy appearance.  Consequently it follows that herbalife beauty refers to inner nutrition as well as outer nutrition.

What is outer nutrition?  Did you know that the skin benefits greatly from nourishment just like our bodies do?  Yes it’s true.  And, there are numerous products for anti aging skincare that are specifically formulated to nourish and protect that natural, glowing beauty of youthful looking skin.  Herbalife has an entire line of skin activating, collagen building glucosamine complex based, applications to fight those wrinkles and keep your brilliant shine!

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Inspiring Beauty!

You know, once in a while you just have to acknowledge those around you for the good things they do.  In this case, I just want to say that my fellow team members, on our diet herbalife program team, are all doing such great things for their personal health, and being such great examples to others, that I really want to applaud them!

These people not only eat right and take care of themselves, but they stay both physically and socially active.  This is a team of people that are dedicated to spreading the word about cellular nutrition, and care about bringing optimal health to the world one person at a time.  So, thanks, Herbal Wise Team!  Thanks for caring about yourselves enough to let your herbalife beauty shine through so that others can see and be inspired!


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Fine Tuning!

Something I want to make sure I’m doing is absorbing as much of the good nutrition from my chosen diet as possible.  In a way, we’re like machines that require fuel to run.  But unlike machines, we are able to fine tune ourselves and choose our own fuel.  The more finely we tune ourselves the better, and the higher quality fuel we take in the better!

So a smooth running digestive system will be of great advantage to us.  It follows that a clean digestive system, like a good clean engine, will utilize its fuel to optimal advantage.  Many agree that premium quality aloe vera juice actually promotes the body’s self cleansing.  Aloe is great digestive support because it not only cleanses, but it delivers amino acids, minerals, vitamins and enzymes for finely tuned, healthy digestion!

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