Slow Effects of Aging

Free radicals break down sensitive biological molecules. In other words, there is a theory that free radicals cause the underlying effects of aging. To combat these effects it’s important to introduce antioxidants into your diet. Antioxidants are found in fruits and vegetables.

Unfortunately, many people do not consume enough fruits and vegetables to combat the effects of free radicals. If your diet could use a boost, try taking schizandra. Schizandra is a supplement that is rich in antioxidants. It also contains beta carotene, vitamins E and C, and the mineral selenium. By taking a schizandra supplement you’re giving your body a chance to fight back against free radicals.

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Straight To Your Heart!

There’s this one little odd looking creature in the sea that has become a prominent contributor to the heart health scene.  You guessed it, it’s the little shrimp like krill!

Since manufacturers started extracting pure Neptume krill oil from these sea going creatures, dietary supplements from krill have become extremely popular.  The main reason for this is that krill oil has proven to be far more dense in content of omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA than other fish oils, plus provides unique antioxidants to help protect the cellular membranes of the cardiovascular system.  ou can see that krill oil benefits are many. This is one little creature that will go straight to you heart!


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Vital Dietary Supplements!

When considering different aspects of cardiovascular health, one thing that’s certain is there’s an overwhelming amount of evidence showing the omega 3 benefits of EPA and DHA fatty acids include good protection against coronary heart disease.   As far as dietary supplements for these benefits go, fish oil and krill oil are major sources of omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA.

Although fish and krill are the major source of omega 3 fatty acids, fish do not actually synthesize them.  They obtain them from the algae and plankton in their diet.  Like fish, we do not synthesize omega 3 in our bodies naturally either!  We must also get them from our food.  This is why it’s so important to supplement our diets with omega 3 DHA and EPA for support of our vital, healthy heart!

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Still Going Like Crazy!

Recently we’ve been discussing physical programs, working out and the various things that are important to support and sustain yourself while participating in such activities.  No doubt, optimal nutrition, proper body hydration and electrolyte replenishment, and rest and recovery are all key elements.  Now, what do we do physical activities and workouts for?  Cardiovascular health, right?!

Yes, no matter what your age, even from way early on, heart health is very important.  And, besides all the things I mentioned above, exercise and physical activity are essential for good cardiovascular health, not to mention the other benefits like weight management and being able to do fun activities!

Besides supporting yourself with good cholesterol level supporting garlic that also helps boost circulation, remember the body’s natural production of nitric oxide is important in maintaining a flexible and youthful cardiovascular system.  Keeping the vessels toned and youthful goes a long way toward improved circulation and heart health.  That’s why I’ve used herbalife niteworks for the past three years and, for this late stage of the game, I’m still going like crazy!

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Help Yourself!

When involved in a physical program, or any workout schedule, good rest for muscle recovery, healthy body hydration and electrolyte replenishment, and optimal nutrition are all essential.  It’s so important to be on your own side!

You can help yourself by staying on a disciplined schedule and maintaining an excellent nutrition diet.  For instance, herbal dietary supplements that are a part of cellular nutrition is optimal.  What could be better than feeding each cell of your body with the best nutrients for maximum energy production when you’re working out?!  And did you know that natural garlic, like what’s in mega garlic plus from herbalife, is a great circulation booster that helps with healthy cholesterol levels?  Help yourself to good cardiovascular health and support any physical activity program!

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