Prepared For The Next One!

One of the major components of an exercise or physical activity program for fitness, believe it or not, is getting the proper rest!  Yes, in order to stay fit and be able to participate fully in any fitness activity, one must recover well enough to do it repeatedly and consistently.

And since this kind of program involves cardiovascular health and getting the blood pumping, it’s a good idea to aid your program with a dietary supplement that will help your body’s natural production of nitric oxide.  This will enhance the blood flow to your heart and help maintain healthy blood pressure.  In turn, you’ll recover better from your work out, and be better prepared for the next one!

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The Super Special Formula!

When I’ve managed to overdo a workout, or some physical activity, the first thing I do is try to recall the exact moment when I felt something pull or strain.  That way I can pay particular attention the next I’m doing the same activity or exercise so I don’t repeat the mistake.  A general rule to help prevent strains and pulls is to warm up properly.  If you exercise regularly, don’t forget to warm up and make sure you maintain healthy body hydration.

Another thing I do to avoid injury or strains and pulls, is make sure I’m consistently on a healthy dietary program.  The proper nutrition can make an enormous difference in the effect of your workouts.  And good natural supplements can go a long way in helping prevent joint strain.  Joint support advanced from herbalife contains glucosamine to support healthy joint function and comfort.  But glucosamine is even more effective when blended with herbs and minerals like scutellaria, selenium, manganese and copper to enhance the healthy aging benefits produced by the body’s natural antioxidant activities.  That’s what makes herbalife joint support the most effective and super special formula for joint support out there today!

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Works For Me!

As I’m heading out the door early this morning to work out at the gym, I’m very aware of my lower back!  Somehow I strained it a few weeks back and ever since then it will be painful at random moments.  Sometimes it really grabs like it wants to go out on me!

I can tell right away when I do certain small movements if today’s one of those risky days when I’d better take the exercise really slow if I want to be able to walk back to the car when I’m done working out.  It’s on those days that I take one of my muscle relaxers with breakfast and dinner.  I have a great pain killing muscle relaxer that’s totally organic and natural, made from the root of tang kuei.  One of the women on my team introduced me this Chinese herbal approach to muscle relaxants.  She uses it to ease menstruation cramps!  And boy does it ever work for me!  I get a good nights sleep every time and my back feels a hundred per cent better in the morning!


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Natural Energy Boost!

Besides recently being part of a number of energy drink recipes concocted by famous herbalists and some energy deserts from the kitchens of celebrities, guarana seeds have been around since ancient times.  The ancient Amazonian would make a powder for tea by washing, drying and crushing the guarana seed.

Today, guarana is used in sweetened and/or carbonated energy drinks or shots for the elevation of a sustained high energy level.  It’s a well known fact that most of South America’s caffeine is derived from guarana.

On the more natural side, herbalife has formulated a tea as well as a dietary supplement tablet using guarana as its main ingredient for the achievement and maintenance of good energy levels.  Guarana contains theobromine and theophylline, both substances found in chocolate, and have thermogenic as well as mood elevating properties.  These guarana energy pills name, N-R-G, stands for natures raw guarana and is perfectly indicative of the natural energy boost one acquires with usage!

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Go Al Nautural!

Besides being careful not to overdo it, the formost concern when one is on a physical activity, or workout, program is to make sure you maintain healthy body hydration.  Dehydration can lead to very serious health concerns.  And part of that dehydration is the loss of electrolytes.

Make certain you’ve found an excellent sports energy drink that is formulated for electrolyte replenishment.  And what’s more, make sure you’re using an all natural body hydration drink that can help maintain a high energy level without the use of drugs or medicine.  That way when you get up and go, you’re not relying on a ‘false’ energy, but you’re going healthy and al natural!

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