Don’t Get Dizzy!

Just yesterday, I was doing my personal exercise program at the gym where I work out and I actually started feeling a little dizzy.  I’ve been getting in better and better shape, so getting dizzy didn’t seem likely.  So what was wrong?   Well, truth is, I’ve been getting is such better shape that I’ve begun to push my routine faster and faster and to the very limit!

OK, folks, now hear this!  Even if you’re feeling spunky and full of energy, it’s not good to overdo anything.  It’s much better to be consistent and urge yourself to gradually extend your limits over time.  This will build your strength, energy and health, but not injure you!  And, for Pete’s sake, don’t do what I did yesterday and allow yourself to become so dehydrated that you actually get dizzy!  Make sure you drink plenty of water and use a good sports energy drink for electrolyte replenishment!  Trust me, a lack of electrolytes can make your head spin and then some!

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Fun Nutrition!

Kids are so beautifully energetic that it can really be a joy to watch them grow.  They also can be so energetic that it’s impossible to pin them down and make sure they get their proper required nutrition everyday.  So, since we’re the adults, we need to find a great multivitamin complex that the kids will be motivated to take every single day.

The most popular multivite I know of is the herbalife kids multivites.  They come in different colored sports figure tablets that are chewable.  The flavor makes them so fun that kids think of them as candy and they keep coming back for more!  For kids, this makes nutrition fun and desirable!


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Ensure Healthy Development!

For a lot of the parents out there, simply caring for and playing with the little ones of the family becomes the only physical activity program possible.  That’s perfectly understandable, after all it takes a lot of energy to raise children.  My only suggestion is that you find little activities that help you get some exercise as well, like taking short walks outside if possible, or play something that’s a little like dancing or requires movement when indoors.  These kinds of things are so good for both of you!

And, along the lines of staying happy and healthy, make sure you both are getting proper nutrition required for health and growth.  To me, cellular nutrition is optimum since it directly nourishes cells which is where energy and growth begin.  If your child is very young, or has trouble taking their vitamins, a good idea is to find liquid vitamins that can be added to juice or drinks so you can insure they get their daily reqirements for healthy development!

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Get Past the Plateau

Many body builders and fitness enthusiasts take great care and spend a lot of time honing their work out routine to maximize results. Most want to enhance their athletic performance whereas many simply want to look and feel their best. One problem they all face, however, is the dreaded plateau. Once you hit a plateau in your training regimen you stop seeing results and all of the work you’re doing turns into simple maintenance.

One good strategy to avoid hitting a plateau is to begin your training without any supplements or performance enhancers. Get as far as you can on your own and when you finally hit the plateau then try augmenting your training with a supplement or training aid. Aminogen is an excellent example of a supplement you can begin to take once your training stops progressing.  By boosting amino acid levels in your body it can help you push past your plateau and break into an entirely new training experience. Don’t get stuck in a rut with no progress only to find your supplements aren’t helping. Start with no supplements or go supplement-free for awhile. When you return to your stack you’ll get the results you had been missing.

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Control Your Program!

Sometimes when we’re going through the hard discipline of sticking to our weight loss diet plan, a supplemental helping hand can be of great support.  When you’re feeling a little run down, due to a physical exercise program, or a little extra hungry due to dieting, you may want to cheat your program or even give up!

When this happens it certainly is helpful if you have something to help you with keeping control of staying on your program.  This is what herbalife total control has been formulated to do.  By boosting metabolism and energy level, it naturally lifts you out of your appetite cravings without ephedra.  It also contains ginger root to soothe the digestive tract and help handle irritability or restlessness during weight loss.

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