Multivitamin Skin Diet!

Most often when we think of taking multivitamins and minerals, we’re thinking of something that’s part of a daily enhancement in nutrition.  Well, it’s time to start thing “outside the body” as well!

There’s a great vitamin diet for the skin available to you from herbalife nourifusion.  In fact, it’s known as the multivitamin skin care program that provides basic nutrition and basic skincare to keep your skin healthy looking and feeling fantastic.  Don’t fall behind, rejuvenate you skin every day with our multivitamin skin diet!

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Scrub Your Bod!

When I say to “scrub” the body, I kind of mean to literally “scrape” it!  And yes, there is a fine line between healthily scraping the skin and actually scraping the skin harmfully.  Honestly, I don’t want you to break the skin, but I do want you to rub off all the dead skin cells on the outer layer by scraping them loose and washing them away.

You see, in order to keep the skin at it’s healthiest, and most brilliant looking, it really is necessary to use a scrubbing, lightly abrasive, formula for exposure of our newest, most youthful skin.  The body buffing scrub herbalife has formulated, does exactly what’s needed.  With the use of jojoba beads, it promotes natural exfoliation for revealing the healthiest, youngest looking skin,  particularly around the hips and thighs!


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Most Youthful, Most Beautiful!

There are two items included in my diet herbalife program that I constantly marvel at.  One is aloe vera and aloe vera juice, and the other is glucosamine.  To me these are absolute wonder substances.  Both are natural and both have regenerative and restorative powers.  And, they are both excellent for our health when taken internally as well as used externally!

I’m sure most everyone is aware that aloe vera juice is an excellent tonic for the digestive tract. and also, that aloe vera gel has marvelous healing powers for the skin.  Well, what not all of us may be aware of is that glucosamine has this kind of duality in uses as well.  Glucosmine is an extremely popular dietary supplement used for support and protection of the joints and ligiments.  And, when used externally, the more and more popular collagen building glucosamine complex from herbalife is proving to be a major hit for providing that most youthful and beautiful skin!

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Hydrating The Skin Cells

So, OK, since we are talking about the “glow” of great health and we’ve already acknowledged that effective anti aging really starts from within, let’s do acknowledge also that the skin is the largest organ of the body and should be maintained as well.  Yes, no doubt, cellular nutrition is fantastic and will help you feel great and gain high energy.  But, it’s important to nourish the cells of your skin as well!

The moisture replenishment from herbalife skin activator is designed to do just that.  In fact, it’s designed to do even more!  Skin activator not only deeply moisturizes, enabling the skin’s best regenerating process, but it contains a brilliant collagen building complex that minimizes appearance of fine lines and wrinkles to defy age with your youngest looking skin!

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Show That Glow!

I’m sure we’re all aware by now that staying youthful seems to be a highly desirable common goal among all us humans!  Is it that rolling back the clock somehow seems to give us more life?  Maybe.  But for whatever reason, things like high energy, anti aging and appearing our most youthful tend to have high priority in our world.

We’ve recently been discussing personal beauty, and as I was saying, people who take care of themselves and pay attention to their health, are the people who most seem to be fulfilling those goals for themselves.  Premium nutrition, good body hydration, physical activity and proper rest are of utmost importance when it comes to feeling and, therefore looking, your very best.  What I found for myself is my herbalife health nutrition program.  For me, cellular nutrition is the optimal way to provide the very best nutrition leading to the establishment of a high energy level while feeling and looking great.  My team and I refer to it as “herbalife beauty”.  And speaking of herbalife beauty, to help match your beautiful health inside, herbalife has a wonderful line of anti aging skincare products that will enhance showing that glow on the outside too!


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