That Special Energy Glow!

Whenever I think of the concept of personal beauty, I immediately think of what so many of my team members told me when I first started my diet herbalife program.  “You’re going to notice changes”, they said.  “The one thing we all notice about people who supplement with herbalife cellular nutrition, is that they have that energy glow.  We call it their herbalife beauty”!

I had no idea what they were talking about at the time I began my own program, but I could see they all looked good!  So, I asked no questions and jumped in with both feet!  Now, a couple years later, I’m told I have that herbalife energy glow.  I guess I’ve found my own herbalife beauty!


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Proven Remedy for Stomach Problems

When I was just out of college I was suffering from severe stomach pain that kept me from eating. I began losing weight at an alarming pace since my stomach was almost always upset or aching. This was more than just an inconvenience. It kept me in the house and prohibited me from engaging in any kind of physical or strenuous activity. I went to the doctor and they found nothing. The doctor prescribed me some antacid but that clearly wasn’t the problem. The pain was far more severe than heartburn.

A friend suggested that I try aloe vera juice. Where antacid was just a pill to hide some of the symptoms of an aching stomach, aloe vera was an actual cure. Aloe is well-known all over the world for its healing and regenerative properties. From sun burn lotion to shampoo and a litany of skin care products, you can find aloe everywhere. I was skeptical at first about the idea of drinking aloe but that skepticism was soon gone. After just a few weeks using the juice my stomach began to feel much better. Whatever had been wrong was now fixed.

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How’s Your Liver?

The long established, clinically documented, liver protecting berries of the schizandra chinensis, are actually considered to be one of the fifty fundamental herbs in traditional Chinese medicine.  It’s Chinese name literally means “northern five flavor berry” due to the fact that these berries are salty, sweet, spicy, sour and bitter. That’s right, these berries posses all five flavors!

With such notable, clinical documentation, the schizandra berry is taken quite seriously as one of the quintessential tonics and restorative adaptogens for liver protection.  It is normally used in dried form, and boiled to make tea.  Now, these liver protecting, immuno-modulating properties for strong immune system support is available in supplement form in Schizandra Plus from herbalife!

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Krill Is A Deal!

Omega 3 fatty acids are considered essential to normal growth and health and have been established as such since the 1930’s. It’s also true that, over the more recent years, a dramatic increase in awareness of omega 3 benefits has occurred and is growing!  New discoveries are being reported frequently.  Did you know these essential fatty acids not only help lower cholesterol, but have been found to help reduce symptoms of diseases like Chohn’s disease, Asthma, Psoriasis and may even be helpful in preventing psychotic disorders in high risk children and adolescents?

Another fairly recent discovery is the rich content of omega 3 fatty acids in krill oil.  Krill is considered by many to be a superior source of omega 3 benefits, due to less contamination than possible in fish, and the presence of a special antioxidant, astaxanthin.  EPA and DHA omega 3 fatty acids are so dense in krill oil that it can be taken in much smaller amounts than regular fish oil, and is available in many good omega 3 supplements!

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Some Fish Oil Benefits!

Fish oil has become a substance commonly known to contain the good kind of fatty acids.  Specifically, these are called EPA and DHA Omega 3 fatty acids and they are highly beneficial to cardiovascular health and support of the joints.

Some of the omega 3 benefits include the maintenance of healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels which seriously boosts heart health.  Together with a reduction in the risk of coronary heart disease, other fish oil omega 3 benefits include a certain support of joints and ligaments.

Herbalifeline is a fish oil product, containing all omega 3 benefits, that is designed with a low reflux formula to minimize the typical fishy taste accompanying such supplements.  All the benefits, good tasting and the addition of powerful vitamin E blend to give optimum fish oil benefits!

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