My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part thirty-three)
When you’ve started the big challenge of weight management, and we all know it can be a major challenge, it’s important that you get to eat something you like. Yep, just like little kids, we all want something we like to eat! And it’s important that you don’t set yourself up for punishment just because […]
Dieting the Easy Way
In my experience, there’s no method that allows you to lose weight through dieting that doesn’t require any lifestyle changes on your part. However, you can achieve natural weight loss just by changing what you eat, rather than eating less. I’ve found that there are many low carb meal replacements work well for losing weight. […]
My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part nine)
When I started my herbalife advanced program, I had been told to be ready for some noticeable changes if I didn’t cheat and truly did the program. And when I asked those who had gone before me about the energy boost, the first thing they consistently mentioned was, “cellular nutrition”. But my herbalife friends always […]