Tag Archives of : diet herbalife program

Protect Your Nutrition!

We are all so aware of how important nutrition has become.  So many environmental challenges have manifested problems in our world that almost daily we hear of some part of our food supply being labeled as unhealthy or even harmful!  So what does one do to make sure they and their loved ones get the […]

Feels So Good!

One of the herbalife supplements Katrin and I were raving about the other day, has to do with boosting metabolism to build alertness and energy.  What’s interesting, and truly great about it, is it’s a “fat burner” without being a fat burner like the ones that are bad for us.  This one simply burns fat […]

Glad I Found Them!

So many people I know have done so well fighting the battle of unwanted pounds.  In fact there are enough of them that we actually do a lot of working out, playing games and other physical activities together.  I’m so grateful to be part of a happy, healthy group of friends.  I’d be lost without […]

Personal Protein

One of the most important elements of a weight management program is making sure you’re getting the best amount of protein for your body.  Protein, loaded with nutritious amino acids, will produce good energy and keep you feeling full while your body absorbs those essential nutrients. There are three basic herbalife diet plans.  There’s on […]

Never Boring!

Do you sometimes have to entice yourself to stick to your diet?  If so, you’re not alone!  I’m one of those that needs to like what I eat no matter what!  If anything tastes bland or like diet food, I just can’t get myself interested! I’d honestly have to find something else for my diet […]