Tag Archives of : diet herbalife program

How Are Your Batteries?

I’ve said it many, many times now and for me it’s proven to be absolutely true.  The best possible nutrition is cellular nutrition,.  Organic, natural, herbal or otherwise (though I don’t what else it could be), the principle of cellular nutrition simply makes great sense. Studies have shown that nutrients are most effective when delivered […]

What Works For You?

All I can say is that for the past several years I’ve been following a diet program I discovered at that time and I simply just never left off it.  The only clear reason I have for this is that I hadn’t felt this well for years before I started cellular nutrition. Honestly, I’ve become […]

Burn Fat Naturally!

Maintaining a high energy level and a strong metabolic rate can be very helpful in weight loss.  First of all, an active metabolism will lead to staying physically active which is great for trimming down.  At the same time, to maintain a high energy level, we have to take in fuel for energy by way […]

How About Super Supplements?

We’ve recently mentioned the term, “superfoods”, and it’s important to note that these particular food items have gained a lot of attention in the nutrition world lately.  And for good reason.  The food value of these items such as blueberries, avocados, pumpkins, artichokes and fava beans, to mention a few, are truly power packed with […]

Need To Shape Up?

Just the other day, I was visiting a new friend and member of my team.  She and her new husband are about to celebrate their first anniversary, and I asked her how she came to be a member of our herbalife health nutrition team.  Marialice explained that when she first contacted me about herbal nutrition, […]