Tag Archives of : glucosamine complex

Vibrant Youthfulness!

Did you know that Siberian ginseng actually has properties that can bring about a reduction in appearance of wrinkles and the tiny lines on your face?  According to a couple of my team members it can be highly effective, especially if it’s an additive in a lotion with vitamins for the skin.  As they explain […]

It’s The Glucosamine

Herbalife Skin Activator  cremes are known as products created especially to be employed around the face and eyes. Determined by Herbalife, these products may well moisturize yet firm the facial skin along with decreasing the appearance of lines and wrinkles  and soften your sensitive skin. Even though the company does not refer to any particular […]

Youthful Soul Windows

If it’s true you can get away with almost anything in your twenties and that the eyes are the windows to the soul, then you’d have stay looking like your in your twenties to hide your sins!  Unfortunately, you don’t get to stay young forever and bad habits like smoking, unhealthy foods and improper rest […]

Keep Your Brilliant Shine!

Interestingly, yet not surprising at all, when we talk about “herbalife beauty”, we’re usually taking about a great zealousness for life that shows through an individuals vital energy as well as their glowing, healthy appearance.  Consequently it follows that herbalife beauty refers to inner nutrition as well as outer nutrition. What is outer nutrition?  Did […]

Can’t Stop Touching!

Following up on the anti aging skincare theme, one the creams producing the best results I’ve ever seen is the skin activator decolletage cream.  How do I know it’s the best?  I had the pleasure of enjoying  the effects on my girlfriend! This glucosamine complex age defying lotion literally hydrates and smooths skin like I’ve […]