Tag Archives of : herbal dietary supplements

Kids On The Go!

When considering the importance of physical activity, think of how active the young people in your life seem to constantly be.  That’s right, mobility and flexibility seem to accompany youth.  And therefore, yes, being physically active will help you stay more youthful.  But lets consider those young people for a moment.  They just naturally want […]

Do The Right Thing!

Often when we’re trying to do the “right thing” about our diet, we find ourselves needing a little extra support to accomplish that diet or end up causing some digestive problems.  For instance, did you know that many of us have trouble digesting protein.  Yes, and when low carb meal replacements with good protein are […]

Magic Aloe!

Aloe vera juice comes from the evaporation of the fluids collected after simply cutting its leaves.  Such a simple process for a juice that is really super complex!  The benefits of aloe vera juice are numerous and growing as we discover them.  And most of these benefits are essential to our bodies! Did you know […]

Glucosamine Absorption

Chondroitin and glucosamine have become the number one choice for joint health and joint function health.  What becomes important, when taking glucosamine internally, is the effective absorption of glucosamine.  This can be very important for gaining the full benefit of joint products.  Glucosamine is best absorbed and enabled when combined with certain other enhancing herbs […]

Keep Your Stomach Happy!

Whenever indigestion rears it’s ugly head, a couple things always seem to come with it.  For one, there’s that upset stomach, or even stomach ache pain.  And usually contributing quite a bit of discomfort, is that bloated feeling from the gas caused with digestive challenges. Believe it or not, a lot of people out there […]