Tag Archives of : herbalife health products

No Doubt About It!

There’s no question about it!  The aloe vera plant is possibly the most overall beneficially useful plant out there!  Beside having greatly useful contents for moisturizing, toning and healing the skin, the juice from aloe vera has tremendous benefits for the digestive system! On the internal side, aloe soothes the tissues lining our digestive tract […]

How Immune Are You?

Taking care of our immune system is critical at every stage of our lives.  Let’s face it, once we get into trouble with our immune system, very serious illness usually follows.  We’ve certainly all known someone who has unfortunately left this world due to immune problems.  So, finding dietary elements and supplements that support our […]

Are You Happy Now?!

For a long time now, fish oil, that contains EPA and DHA omega 3 fatty acids, have been known to provide a major heart health boost.  Fish oils can aid the maintenance of healthy triglyceride and cholesterol levels.  But just when it pretty much became written in stone that this was the use of fish […]

“NO More Heart Disease”!

Since I’ve been harping on this topic for several months now, and have actually witnessed the benefits of nitric oxide production in the body, I think it’s time to acknowledge the man whom we give major credit for developing herbalife niteworks.  Dr. Lou Ignarro, Nobel laureate in medicine, and acclaimed professor at UCLA school of […]

Keep Your Sweet Heart Healthy!

Your healthy heart depends a great deal on good blood pressure and circulation.  A good way to keep the blood pumping is to be disciplined about physical activity.  One of the prominent causes for heart disease and obesity is a lack of physical activity.  Please keep your physical activity appropriate to your age and present […]