Tag Archives of : Herbalife Supplements

The Amazing Properties of Glucosamine

Arthritic patients suffer greatly from severe joint pains. Some are even temporarily incapacitated to some extent. This is why many people take glucosamine to help relieve symptoms of arthritis. Along with chondroitin, glucosamine is one of the two most popular non-prescription treatments for this musculoskeletal problem. Glucosamine contains a positively charged amino group at a […]

My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part seventy-two)

If you are maintaining a good discipline of recurring physical activity to stay in shape, sometimes a good energy boost can help with the level of intensity you participate.  This, in turn, can promote better results for physical conditioning.  So, a little boost can’t hurt as long as it’s natural and healthy! There’s a lot […]

My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part seventy-one)

Having to do with regulating body hydration as well as blood pH, electrolytes can be very important for nerve an muscle function.  In fact, electrolyte measurement is performed most commonly by blood testing and/or urinalysis. Obviously, since medical technologists have found monitoring electrolyte levels to be a useful health tool, then keeping good body hydration […]

My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part sixty-eight)

A lot of people have problems digesting protein.  In some cases, like with me, they truly love things like red meat but always feel bloated or gaseous from eating a juicy steak.  Sound familiar?  If so, there are helpful digestive enzymes on the market to help absorb protein.  One of these enzymes is called aminogen. […]

My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part fifty-one)

As I continue on my diet herbalife program and enjoy investigating all the ingredients, vitamins, minerals and botanical nutrients available for our bodies, I have to acknowledge that sometimes I’m a bit overwhelmed by what’s been happening to and for me!  It’s no joke that a lot has changed with me. Just taking the health […]