The Right Fuel!
One of the most important elements of our daily lives is nutrition. Do you have the right fuel to get through the day? By that I mean, are you eating meals that provide enough energy but leave you feeling overly full? Or, do you feel like you’re not getting proper sustenance because you feel hungry […]
Cut Those Carbs!
We’ve all become aware that the average amount of calories required daily by the human body per day is approximately two thousand to twenty-five hundred. So, it stands to reason that eating a smaller amount of calories will probably lead you to weight loss. One of the effective ways of reducing the amount of calories […]
How Do Diet Pills Work?
In an age when fad diets are here and gone in a matter of weeks and fly-by-night operations offer miracle cures for every conceivable ailment, it’s easy to become a bit cynical. Still, many people swear by the effectiveness of diet pills, especially when they are used in conjunction with a nutritious diet and a […]
Don’t Forget Your Protein!
Whenever I hear someone talking about how hungry they are because they are on a diet, I wonder immediately if they are making sure to get enough protein in their diet. And, really, there are so many protein shakes available today, that getting enough protein can be fairly simple and cost effective. Protein may be […]
Lose Weight, Gain Health!
Most physicians recommend that a patient who is overweight begin a process that increases physical activity while decreasing caloric intake. In plain words, it’s best to eat slightly less food energy than the physical energy you use on a daily basis. This will lead to a steady process of weight loss. Other methods that people […]