Tag Archives of : herbalife

Be Healthy, Look Healthy!

Once you really start paying attention to your health, you’re going to start noticing certain changes.  For instance, you and those around you will notice that the healthier you are, the more healthy and appealing you look!  There’s absolutely no doubt about, the better you take care of yourself, outside or inside, the better taken […]

Stay Loose!

Like the mechanics of a automobile, our skeletal system needs good lubricants to stay loose in the joints!  After many studies, it’s been found that the body actually synthesizes lubricants and shock absorbing mechanisms.  This process  is specifically and absolutely necessary for the maintenance and restoration of good joint performance health.  A major building element […]

Let’s Just Relax!

Pain relievers and muscle relaxers have a long history.  Essentially, the extreme muscle relaxants are used to cause a kind of paralysis.  They are neuromuscular blockers that are often used for emergency medicine and in surgical procedures.  Obviously, these are something we would best come across only under a doctor’s care. The more commonly used […]

Use It Or Lose It!

As I’m heading out the door to my workout gym, the thought crosses my mind that you just got to keep using your muscles if you want to stay in any kind of healthy shape.  And with working out comes a whole set of considerations to keep in mind. You want to take into consideration […]

Practice Makes Perfect!

Sometimes, with just a little practice, you can inspire others to form good habits.  You know, behavior that is actually good for them to partake in?  One of those habits would be, for instance, eating properly and having discipline about getting the right amount of daily nutrition. With kids, this can be tricky!  Why?  Because […]