Tag Archives of : omega 3 fatty acids

Amazing Omega 3

By now you’ve probably heard about omega 3 and that it mainly comes from fish or krill.  But do you really know what makes omega 3 supplements so amazing? The reason omega 3 supplements have become so popular over the last few years is because studies have shown that it has incredible health benefits. For […]

Oh, The Magical Krill!

While on the topic of omega 3 benefits, there is quite a lot of excitement about krill being superior among other sources of omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA.  Many experts believe, due to their research, that krill oil is also unique in its high content of natural antioxidants vitamin A and E plus […]

Krill Is A Deal!

Omega 3 fatty acids are considered essential to normal growth and health and have been established as such since the 1930’s. It’s also true that, over the more recent years, a dramatic increase in awareness of omega 3 benefits has occurred and is growing!  New discoveries are being reported frequently.  Did you know these essential […]

Winner Both Ways!

While on the subject of heart health, and reflecting on what I do for myself, it occurred to me to share what I think to be the cutting edge heart healthy supplement.  Besides the good kind of fatty acids that come from fish oil, there are also great omega 3 benefits in an oil that […]

The Thrill Of Krill!

A relatively new source of omega 3 fatty acids comes from the antarctic krill.  There are claims that krill oil is a superior, more concentrated source of omega 3, contains the powerful antioxidant, astaxanthin, plus it is not as susceptible to contamination as fish. Omega 3 fatty acids are a polyunsaturated fat considered essential for […]