Tag Archives of : osteoarthritis (OA)

Beneficial News

The findings are out and dermatologists are sharing the beneficial news with patients about skin hydration thanks to hyaluronic acid. Those who have proclaimed the benefit of glucosamine chondroitin all along are delighted.  Glucosamine provides natural joint lubrication when it is encouraged by the production of hyaluronic acid.  Now we know it promotes beautiful, healthy […]

Delightful Recognition

Natural supplements have been ignored by organized medicine for hundreds of years and just recently, there is a delightful recognition that shows a relaxation of that firm stance.  We have noticed a change coming from recognized orthopedic practitioners. After surgery, some doctors are recommending glucosamine chrondroitin supplements. Integrative medicine could possibly occur this year! The […]

Defeating Pain Caused by Athletics

We have the solution if you’re suffering from the pain of degenerative joint disease but you’re an otherwise healthy athlete.  You probably already know that performing repetitive movements like running wind-sprints or training for marathons creates an abnormal amount of joint wear and tear.  What would you say if you were able to help your […]

Chiropractic Doctors Touch on Arthritis

Holistic care encourages chiropractic treatment because those doctors go beyond mainstream medical limitations.  Eagerness to determine what is causing discomfort marks the skilled chiropractor.  We invited doctors of chiropractic to touch on arthritis pain and possible value from glucosamine chrondroitin.  The overwhelming response was no surprise, as they affirmed their belief about the supplement repairing […]

Trust Nature To Heal Yourself

There are many people who rely on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs, in order to treat pain from arthritis.  On the other hand, only a fraction of people diagnosed with arthritis rely upon glucosamine chondroitin, which is a natural supplement.  While NSAIDs provide immediate relief, they also provide troublesome side effects, such as GI tract […]