Tag Archives of : pain relievers

Renewal Of Tradition!

Did you know that the compound drugs used in medical pain relievers actually cut off the impulses from the nerves sent to the brain signaling pain?  For me, these are just a little bit “over-kill” if you’re simply needing to relax or get a pulled or strained muscle group to release and recuperate. A lot […]

Relax And Rest!

More often than not, relief from pain has to do with getting the muscles surrounding the painful area to relax.  This is true not only with cramps, but often with pulls and sprains as well.  Once the muscles relax, they are able to get the proper rest for recuperation. There are so many recurring events […]

Recuperate Naturally!

Here’s an interesting little tidbit: Did you know that the term muscle relaxant refers to two major therapeutic groups in medicine?  First of all a muscle relaxant is considered a drug that affects skeletal muscle function and decreases muscle tone.  The two groups of relaxers are neuromuscular blockers and spasmolytics. You’d only want a neuromusclar […]

When You’ve Overdone It!

Well, yes, there are those times, when no matter how conscious or careful you are, you somehow manage to overdo it during your workout and find yourself with a muscle strain or pull.  A good massage could really be helpful, but in the meantime, you might really want to try organic and natural muscle relaxers! […]

Works For Me!

As I’m heading out the door early this morning to work out at the gym, I’m very aware of my lower back!  Somehow I strained it a few weeks back and ever since then it will be painful at random moments.  Sometimes it really grabs like it wants to go out on me! I can […]