Tag Archives of : protein shakes

What’s Your Health Goal?

Believe it or not, there are a good number of us in the world that do not want to lose weight, but would like to gain some pounds of good lean muscle mass.  That’s right, some folks can actually be too thin for their own good!  This is one instance in which I love to […]

Do The Right Thing!

Often when we’re trying to do the “right thing” about our diet, we find ourselves needing a little extra support to accomplish that diet or end up causing some digestive problems.  For instance, did you know that many of us have trouble digesting protein.  Yes, and when low carb meal replacements with good protein are […]

Cut Those Carbs!

We’ve all become aware that the average amount of calories required daily by the human body per day is approximately two thousand to twenty-five hundred.  So, it stands to reason that eating a smaller amount of calories will probably lead you to weight loss.  One of the effective ways of reducing the amount of calories […]

Stamina For Strength For Stamina

Sometimes I go to work out with a friend who is a serious weight lifter.  He’s ripped, if you know what I mean.  I can only dream of ever looking like that.  But Bobby’s been a great friend for many years.  We’ve actually worked on a lot of projects, other than physical health, together. When […]

Happier Too!

You know it’s so very simple to calculate what your body needs to get into shape, that I think that’s why we let go so often.  And then it’s off to the races with a vicious cycle of overindulgence and taking food that’s not only loaded with too many calories, but not even good calories […]