Tag Archives of : skin hydration

Take It To The Beach!

From the results of enormous amounts of research it has unanimously been concluded that in the seven layers of the skin there is constant cellular activity and free radicals in the skin layers can greatly damage those skin cells.  And, apparently no matter what the cause of cellular failure in our bodies and skin, the […]

Youthful Rejuvenation!

The answer to the question of how to slow down the aging process when it comes to our skin seems to have been pursued simply forever.  The conscious desire to maintain a youthful appearance sticks with society, perhaps even stronger now than ever, to our present day. Therefore, age defying products that actually work are […]

Studied And Growing!

Omega 3 fatty acids are essential fats that our bodies need but cannot make.  Coming from fish oil, they are as the name implies, taken from the tissues of oily fish and are valuable in many aspects of health care.  Fish oil supplements are even recommended for pregnant women since it is known that the […]

Feed Your Skin Vitamins!

When keeping with your regimen of thorough skin cleansing, a smart thing to do is find good skin nourishment to follow up with.  Of course there are protective lotions and moisturizers, but then there are some nourishing skin creams that protect and moisturize and contain actual vitamins that the skin responds to! There is a […]

Give Younger Skin A Try!

Anti aging skincare remains one of the original hot topics of all time to this day.  Everyone, except the truly young and babies, dreams of turning back the clock, or, at least making time stand still.  I suppose it’s because that time of life when we have the most energy, are most physically active and […]