Tag Archives of : Weight Management


Where do those people who seem to always have more energy, lighter attitudes and a general wellness about them come from and how did they get that way?  Quite a mystery isn’t it?  Yet, it’s true, we’ve all seen it.  There is that special group of people who always seem to be engaged in life […]

Solid Foundation!

You know, I’m not a doctor or a nutrition specialist, but it didn’t take much thinking at all to figure out just how vital proper nutrition is to good health.  Granted when I was quite young, and thought that I would never die, let alone even get sick, I didn’t think much about the topic […]

Mind And Body!

I just read an article that put me in mind of my very own philosophy that weight loss is a mind set, a discipline and an activity.  The article was telling a story about a young girl who got it in her head that she could buy her health at the local grocery store!  Well, […]

The Less Neurotic Way

When you’re focused on dropping those unwanted pounds, of course from time to time you’ll want to check how you’re plan is working.  And of course, that’s an understatement!  You’ll probably be checking the scale all the time!  But, please know that weight doesn’t just go down as consistently, or the way you might expect.  […]

Looking Forward To Nourishment

While considering healthy foods and fulfilling the needed quantity of nutrients, including required vitamins and minerals every day, it is important that people don’t become so rigid with themselves as to make a good discipline into a tedious and unpleasant experience.  When undertaking a disciplined course of action, it is important that we find ways […]